Privacy Statement (AVG)

Ministry of Marketing, represented by Hans Dekker (director), may process personal data about you because you use the services of Ministry of Marketing. In this privacy statement, we explain how we handle the processing of personal data.

Ministry of Marketing processes personal data of people with whom we have, want to have, or have had a direct or indirect relationship. These include personal data of:

  • Customers and their representatives.
  • People who show interest in our products and services.
  • People associated with a company or organization with which we have, want to have, or have had a relationship.

The personal data we process are:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your address details
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address


We process your personal data to contact you by phone and/or to approach you in writing (by email and/or post). Additionally, Ministry of Marketing uses your personal data in the context of executing an agreement with you. We also use it for sending newsletters by email after obtaining your consent.

Processing personal data means that we collect, store, record, organize, and use your personal data. We store this data in our customer management system, HubSpot. Protecting, deleting, and modifying personal data also fall under processing.



Ministry of Marketing does not retain your personal data longer than strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected or, if applicable, as required by legal retention periods. Your personal data can only be accessed by employees who need it based on their function. Our employees have a duty of confidentiality.



Your personal data will only be provided to third parties if this is necessary for the proper functioning of the website, for optimizing the website, for executing an agreement with you, or to comply with a legal obligation.



Google Analytics

On the Ministry of Marketing website, we use cookies. We use Google Analytics on to track how users use the website and how effective the Google Ads advertisements of Ministry of Marketing are on Google search results pages. The visitor data is also used to analyze visitor and click behavior on the website. Ministry of Marketing uses this information to improve the functionality of the website. This data is anonymized as much as possible and is not provided to third parties.


HubSpot is the CRM system of Ministry of Marketing. We collect personal data when filling out a web form, for example, if you subscribe to a mailing list. We may ask for your email address, first and last name, job title, and other similar business information. If you want your data to be deleted, send an email with the request to [email protected].


We use Hotjar (tracking cookies) to better understand the needs of our users on our website and to optimize our service and user experiences. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand the experience of our users (e.g., how much time they spend on which pages, which links they click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and allows us to improve and maintain our service with user feedback.

Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behavior of our users and their devices. This includes the IP address of a device (processed during your session and stored in an anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device IDs), browser information, geographic location (country only), and the preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Before Hotjar collects your data, Hotjar always checks whether you have enabled the ‘Do Not Track’ setting in your browser. When the ‘Do Not Track’ setting is enabled in your browser, Hotjar will not collect any data from you. Hotjar is contractually forbidden from selling the data collected on our behalf.

We have a processing agreement with Hotjar to ensure that your privacy data is optimally protected. Hotjar fully complies with the provisions of the GDPR.


We use the lead generation service of Leadinfo B.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands. The tool recognizes business visits to our website based on IP addresses and shows us publicly available information, such as company names or addresses. Moreover, Leadinfo places two first-party cookies to evaluate user behavior on our website and processes domains from form entries (e.g., “”) to correlate IP addresses with companies and improve services. More information is available at On this page:, you have an opt-out option. After opting out, your data will no longer be recorded by Leadinfo.


This website uses LinkedIn Insight Tag, a tracking and analytics tool provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. The LinkedIn Insight Tag allows data to be collected on members’ visits to our website, including URL, referrer, IP address, device and browser characteristics, timestamp, and page views. This data is encrypted, anonymized, and the anonymized data is deleted within 90 days.

LinkedIn does not share personal data with the website owner but provides only aggregated reports on website audience and ad performance. LinkedIn also offers retargeting for website visitors, allowing the website owner to show personalized ads on their website using this data, without identifying the member.

The purpose of data collection is to analyze visits to our website and campaign results to provide you with interesting information. LinkedIn members can manage the use of their personal data for advertising purposes via their account settings. For more information on privacy at LinkedIn, see LinkedIn’s privacy policy.


You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data and the right to data portability. You can send a request for access, correction, or deletion to [email protected]. Ministry of Marketing will respond to your request as soon as possible and within four weeks. We would also like to inform you that you have the option to file a complaint with the national regulator, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This can be done via the following link:


Ministry of Marketing takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized modification. The Ministry of Marketing website uses a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands.

If you believe that your data is not properly secured or if there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of the personal data we collect, please contact [email protected]. Contact details can be found on our website.

Do-It-Yourself Dashboard

Je kiest voor een volledig ingericht dashboard met Google Analytics v4, dat inzicht geeft in

  • Google advertising (SEA),
  • SEO en op welke woorden je site wordt gevonden
  • Social Media resultaten.

Een online marketing specialist helpt je bij het inrichten van je dashboard, zodat je zeker weet dat alles goed werkt. Daarna kun je er zelf ermee aan de slag.