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Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

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Marketing and brand advice agency Utrecht

Ministry of Marketing is a B2B advice agency in the centre of Utrecht. We’re specialised in marketing, brand development and (re)branding. With a team of 7 people we deliver structure, direction and creativity to startups, scale-ups an M&As. We do this by, for exampe, developing and carrying out a positioning strategy, operationalizing the marketing within an organization, or creating and implementing a completely new brand. Do you want to know more about our services or approach? Download our pitch deck.
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"Thanks to the efforts of Ministry of Marketing, our online platform has generated many more projects, and our revenue has doubled in 2017, 2018, and 2019."

Juliëtte Zwinkels - Advocaat Jurable - Zwinkels Advocatuur
Juliëtte Zwinkels
Lawyer and founder, platform Jurable

Do-It-Yourself Dashboard

Je kiest voor een volledig ingericht dashboard met Google Analytics v4, dat inzicht geeft in

  • Google advertising (SEA),
  • SEO en op welke woorden je site wordt gevonden
  • Social Media resultaten.

Een online marketing specialist helpt je bij het inrichten van je dashboard, zodat je zeker weet dat alles goed werkt. Daarna kun je er zelf ermee aan de slag.