Company name creation

Company name creation is a challenge that you can approach in multiple ways. You can come up with one off the top of your head, or you could view it as part of your business strategy. That way, the new company name will suit your new positioning and values. This is what it can bring you:

Bedrijfsnaam bedenken

A new company name offers new opportunities

Coming up with a new company name is often a difficult search. The focus is mainly on the costs of implementing a new name, while in reality, it creates new opportunities in existing and new markets.

The future of a group of companies can actually be strengthened with a new company name. Here are a few advantages:

  • Reducing the number of brands can result in significant cost savings.
  • Certain well-known brands could be continued as labels or propositions.
  • It provides a momentum to connect with new generations or other target groups.
  • A new company name and identity keep your business current.

Do you want to understand what is involved in developing a new company name or brand? Download our whitepaper ‘Rebranding Business Case’. It contains more insights and, of course, an extensive business case setup to support your decision.

Hans Dekker - Ministry of Marketing

Want to know more? Ask Hans

  • More than 25 years experience as Senior Marketing Professional and Consultant at B2B M&A’s, Tech Scale-Ups and SME & Big companies.
  • McKinsey, KPMG Consulting and ING Bank alumnus, amongst others
  • ‘Getting the job done’ was tailor-made for him.
  • Founder and owner of Ministry of Marketing (since 2012).

Do-It-Yourself Dashboard

Je kiest voor een volledig ingericht dashboard met Google Analytics v4, dat inzicht geeft in

  • Google advertising (SEA),
  • SEO en op welke woorden je site wordt gevonden
  • Social Media resultaten.

Een online marketing specialist helpt je bij het inrichten van je dashboard, zodat je zeker weet dat alles goed werkt. Daarna kun je er zelf ermee aan de slag.